Quit Smoking with Acupuncture Detoxification

by admin

January 13, 2022
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Auricular acupuncture for smoking cessation

Acupuncture is very effective in assisting patients either reduce their intake as well as cease from smoking entirely.

Besides the health benefits, the financial benefits are astounding. The average smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes a day, would be able to save up to R750 per month. chronic smokers as much as R2000-00 per month.

The process is assisted with a herbal formula which is designed to create the following:

1) Assist the organs in detoxification.

2) Control appetite.

3) Reduce stress.

4) Assist sleep routine.

5) Keep the patient calm.

Again, between 3 & 5 needles are inserted into each ear. the treatment program consists of 20 treatment i.e. 1 x 45 minute session per day for 20 days. The treatment alone radically reduces stress levels as well as cravings and facilitates the extreme detoxification process.

Detoxifying the lungs is by far the most important treatment any smoker should consider. Read the section on lungs under Traditional Chinese medicine organ logic for a more detailed explanation of how toxic lungs actually keep you smoking through emotional instability and depression etc.

“The auricular acupuncture treatment for smoking cessation is by far the safest and most powerful method available to assist smokers quit or reduce their intake” – Warren Whitfield — NADA ADT specialist, Acudetox Clinics South Africa.

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