Beet juice anti-aging benefits preserve brain function with nitrates that improve blood flow. Beets are high in vitamin A and cartenoids which prevent age related macular degeneration. High folate content fights wrinkles and skin conditions. The depth and appearance of wrinkles can be reduced by as much as 60%.
Beets are one of the best detoxifiers for our body, but we need to be careful how we introduce these raw beets into our juicing regime.
My suggestions are to start off with 1/2 medium sized beet in 1 liter of juice.
Never ever juice beets alone! They will cause your voice to go hoarse, and will also cause intestinal distress, usually cramping and diarrhea, so this is why they need to be blended with other colorful vegetables It can also cause a lot of dizziness/vertigo if you do too much at once.
Here’s a GREAT Classic Tonic: (use a Juicer ~ makes 1 liter)
1/2 Beet Root
8 Carrots
1 Lemon
1 inch Fresh Ginger Root
2 Apples
2 cups Spinach
Its much wiser to only use organic fruits and vegetables. Apples usually have a wax on them that is derived from animal fats. (tallow), so it’s important to buy organic if you can.