Healing benefits of Yarrow

by admin

June 19, 2016
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  • Healing benefits of Yarrow

Yarrow is a medicinal flower that has been used for centuries due to its ability to act as an effective health tonic for the whole body. It can help provide relieve for inflammation, muscle spasms, digestive disorders, respiratory conditions, colds, flu, and blood related issues. Yarrow contains a compound called thujone which is known to be a powerful relaxant and anti-anxiety remedy.

Taken as a daily preventative or at the first signs of an acute anxiety or panic attack, yarrow can help stabilize the nervous system and calm the body down. Yarrow tea is often recommended to be sipped before bedtime to induce a deeper and more peaceful sleep making it useful for those who have sleeping disorders. Yarrow is also a powerful detoxifier and functions as a diuretic which can help to ease water retention and aid in weight loss.

It also helps by removing uric acid from the joints and muscles making it highly beneficial for those who suffer with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Yarrow is also a very effective digestive aid and can provide significant relief for stomach and intestinal cramping as well as help the body absorb and assimilate more nutrients from food in the digestive tract.

It also contains fatty acids and bitter compounds that help to prevent the formation of gallstones. Yarrow has the ability to improve cardiovascular conditions by naturally regulating blood pressure and is also good for those who suffer with allergies as it can help to relieve sinusitis and post nasal drip. Yarrow is known to help increase circulation and menstrual flow without cramping making it an ideal remedy for PMS.

Topically, yarrow is also great as a cream or salve due to its antibacterial properties and its ability to assist in blood clotting and wound treatment. Yarrow can be taken as a tea, tincture, extract, or capsule and is readily found online or at your local health food store.

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