5 small thin needles are inserted on to various points of each ear. The results are incredible to experience and to watch. At a conference held recently, attendees were given the treatment and asked to comment.

June 11 2019

Conference attendees rave about the NADA protocol!

“This was the best part of the conference. This was better than any stress reduction class.”

“It’s a relaxing and new experience. This was a unique type of session which contributes to our overall wellness.”

“It was a great way to try something new in an informative setting.”

“…this should be used for the next conference for relaxation.”

“This was an awesome experience.”

The people that were treated were curious and open to experiencing and learning about this treatment. We were told us that people were “floating” out of the room.

“If this protocol can relax people on the frontlines with PTSD, then we’ve had the desired effect. Relaxed workers are more productive workers.” – Marcia Salter, M.S, L.A.C.”

Call or WhatsApp Warren Whitfield on 0725225325 to book your AcuDeStress ™
