Posts Tagged ‘anemia’

Benefits of Dandelion

Health benefits of Dandilion

Written by admin on . Posted in Nutrition

Dandelion is a very rich source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A. This flowering plant is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It’s a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even some vitamin D too. Dandelion also contains protein, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years as a food and as a medicine to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression.

Burdock Root Benefits

Health benefits of Burdock Root

Written by admin on . Posted in All Posts, Nutrition

Burdock root is a medicinal herb and food that has powerful anti-tumor, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Burdock root is one of the top recommended herbal remedies for cancer due to the belief that it can stop cancer cells from metastasizing and it is one of the star ingredients of the famous natural cancer remedy known as Essiac tea.

Health benefits of Apricots

Written by admin on . Posted in All Posts, Nutrition

Apricots are incredibly high in minerals and rich in beta carotene and are one of the most healing fruits you can eat. They are one of the best sources for organic iron, copper, and cobalt making them very beneficial for anemia, digestive disorders, and reproductive health.